Friday, January 16, 2009


Life is accumulation of problems. The more you avoid them, to the larger they will become and finally they forms atoll that shackle and limit our next step. That’s why, problems will always come to be solved and not to be avoided. Maturity comes from experience to solve problems and not from avoiding it. We and our beloved people hope that we can gain success in this world and hereafter, so we need to use our full effort and thought and also the thought from others that we can borrow.
Do not be enchanted with instantenous success, because our thought, our brain is like a parachute, that can only be opened when it is being used.
Do your best, put your intention only for worshipping God and to breed our deed.
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.


pemikiranku said...

pak jundan ini saya kasyfi

jadiin blog saya ada di link bapak donk,,

Bangroy123 said...

Pak, kok gak update blog lagi pak, udah beralih ke thinkquest ya?
Minta Link thinkquest nya pak, thanks